If you are still living in the dark ages and using chemical skincare, you really need to learn about Mineral skincare and what damage you are presently doing by using chemical products.
Mineral skincare is 100% chemical free, it is safe to use on the most sensitive skins, problems like Rosacea, Acne, Dermatitis is being cured fast by using mineral products, even though they are very gently, they are also very powerful in their healing power.
Some very interesting facts to help you with your studies --
Deep in the Jordan Valley is one of the wonders of nature, the Dead Sea. A world famous treasure trove of health and beauty since antiquity, the Dead Sea is a gift of nature.
The Dead Sea is on the border between Jordan and Israel removed 1,300 feet (400 meters) below sea level-the lowest point on earth is located, is 50 km long and with a maximum width of 17 km - It was geologicallyFormed three million years ago, when a small fracture in the Jordan Rift Valley. Sea water rushed and collected in this fraction. The dry climate and high evaporation progressively increases the concentration of minerals in the water. Salt, lime and gypsum precipitated along the length of fracture later in a lake-like formation. This lake eventually ended her relationship with the sea to an inland lake. Today, he will continue to be fed through theJordan River and numerous springs that pour into it from the surrounding mountains.
This lake was now so under the name of the Dead Sea, is, because no form of life has managed to exist in its extremely salty water. Contrary to its name, the Dead Sea is found very much alive with more than 21 beneficial minerals in their water and mud. It has achieved the highest salt content of all the oceans of the world and contains about 45 billion tons of minerals, itsSalinity about 32% compared to the 3% average salinity of the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean, as shown in Table 2, based on the study of Gay-Lussac, the famous French scientist, discovered in 1819, shown in his laboratory in Paris.
Benefits of Dead Sea salt and mud:
The beneficial effects of the Dead Sea's raw materials on the skin and their unique therapeutic and beautifying powers have been known since antiquity.
Cleopatra, asthe most beautiful woman in the world, was presented with salt from the Dead Sea by King Solomon in their journey to the Holy Land, everything possible to get gain exclusive rights to the Dead Sea by requiring Marc Antony to the Dead Sea region in his Jewish campaign . At her command, pharmaceutical and cosmetic factories near the Dead Sea built. The remains still visible in Ein Bokek and Ein Gedi.
On theTradition, based on 50 modern plants now manufacture cosmetics and skin care products on minerals from the Dead Sea. Scientists have mineral rich cosmetics lines, these plants, which are all over the world as the Dead Sea cosmetic products exported to developed.
The use of Dead Sea products proven to be very effective in the treatment of psoriasis, eczema, arthritis, rheumatism, acne, pimples and skin rash muscle stiffness.
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