To print money with your scanner

Ok, technically not print scanners. Technically they are not always the best from your scanner now, so I think you have to forgive me. Think about what you do specifically with the scanner?

I'll give you 10-1 odds it is only a one-trick pony for you. You use to take pictures, right? You have Fluffy at the local dog park caught Jimmy's picture with Grandmother Whatshername, the trip to Sea World in '81. What if there is more? What would happen if you use thePerformance of the scanner to save you much time and money at home and work?

You can, for I have done it. In fact, last week, I saved my company 200 hours work. Also, the minimum payment (which we were not), argues that saved more than $ 3,000. At first glance, this figure does not in the basic arithmetic operations. 7 x $ 200 = $ 1400, not $ 3000. How I do it? The answer lies in economic theory, and a really old technology.

Opportunity cost (or cost) is a fundamental economicTheory, which not only calculates how much the apparent costs, but what it does not cost you to do something else. The most common presentation is a college education. If you have $ 20,000 per year in the visible costs could be paid, the costs of not working a full-time job to run you $ 18,000 in hidden costs. Thus, the total cost of higher education are indeed at U.S. $ 38,000 per year. The same goes for saving money. They would not save your company $ 1500 in the visible costs, may through the implementation of the strategy that I have, youthey have an extra $ 1500 over time in a productive manner. Now you see why I call it printing money.

The technology I have to get these results, is called OCR or Optical Character Recognition. OCR is not new. The first patent for the technology had already been submitted in the 20s, in fact, it has in machine readable form around since 1955. The U.S. Postal Service has used to see it since '60 'Basically, it converts the text printed or written on a page in digitalShape. That the scope of the capabilities of the technology for a large part of the life has been. The field has some great progress since then the automatic formatting of email addresses into hyperlinks, reproduce exact copies of the site structure (including gaps and breaks) seen, and PDF support.

Perhaps not see how you can use this. Okay, I'll run through a few scenarios and show you how you had to save time and money:

Uses for a Business:

Invoices sent as images: I can not stand when someone sends me a bill of lading or packing list, and I can not select the text. You simply run one of these images by the OCR software, and you can automatically text you paste, or otherwise manipulate, another for a document to copy.
The Mass Index: Have you ever gone to a trade show and received a massive list of participants? Perhaps you have wanted their names and addresses into the mailing system, or you will getjust want their email addresses for your contact list. What if I told you that you can scan and digitize that 1200-page document in less than 3 hours? In our company we have done. We now have a digital inventory of all buyers and sellers in our industry for the entire continent of North America, and we have only hours to 3rd
That Old Rolodex: Ah, yes. Faithful Rolodex. You may have replaced selling an e-mail contact list, or maybe you still keep them close to your side, when aNatural disaster. 6-8, you can put those cards into the scanner at the time. After a while you have a fire-resistant version of your contact list. It might even be synchronized to your e-mail contacts.
Business Cards: These things are the toughest in the world to keep up with. They are easy to lose, and they make a mess on the desk. OCR is able to see exactly the Itty-Bitty-type, and turn it into something readable and usable. 8-10 on the scanner, you can throw at a certainTime, and go into the city.

There are a ton of other uses for the company, but I can not go to all of them. Let us turn our eyes on uses for school and home. Uses for school and at home:

The Book Report: Do you dislike typing long passages for book reports? I know I do. A quick glance through the scanner, and you'll plunk down a ready supply in the middle of the paper have
Lost Papers: How often do you have to print a paper, and randomlydeleted the original on the hard drive? Once again, carry them out, and you will have an editable copy in minutes.
Contracts and legal documents: OCR makes it easy for a buyer or seller agreement before changing it back to your broker or lawyer, even if it has been transmitted just like a picture or paper form.
They digitize your signature: this is not technically an OCR function, but I will be a freebie: Imagine throwing your signature on a blank sheet of paper with black ink. Scan the paper. WithGIMP or Photoshop, you remove the white background. Save as. Png to preserve the transparency. The next time you need to sign a document which shall enter, then the image in OpenOffice or MS Word. Email to the doc, you never know, the waste of paper to print it.

Are you convinced now? If so, allow me to say what guarantee you need to, you can convert your text to:

You need a TWAIN-compliant scanner. Most scanners released in the last 8 years or so, follow thisSpecification. If your scanner is really old, you should have no problems with this
OCR software: Most of the time the software is with the drivers for the scanner installed together and is absolutely free. Manufacturer versions are often not fully functional as if you want a cheap solution, and prepared to settle for 97% of the voting rights or accuracy vs. 99% percent, you can use a free open source option like GOCR. While I'm normally not a big fan of commercial software, I pay for alarge package. If you are looking for software for your company, I recommend Omnipage Pro. You can save up to $ 500 for the current version, or get an earlier version for $ 50 on Ebay I would not want to pay. It is easy to use and super fast.
Although not required, I recommend a scanner with an automatic document feeder or ADF. This will be scanning large books a breeze, along with the exemption, you do other things while the software is not it's magic.
I would also recommend that a larger amount ofRAM, as images can be a lot of RAM. The less time spent applying to access the disk will be faster processing.

Now that I've given you some ways to save time and money, go invent some ways to do even more. If you find a way to print money to do me a favor and make an anonymous deposit into my account.

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